Jaap the strong - the man of iron.
A kind and gentle person but don't challenge him.
During the 1951/52 tour I was introduced to an English player who insisted that the Wallabies who had toured the U.K. the previous season were better than Kenyon's Springboks.
I said: "On what grounds do you say that?"
"I know, because I played against them" he replied.
I asked him whether he would be playing against the Springboks the next day and it turned out that he would be at loosehead against Jaap Bekker.
Back in the hotel I told Jaap about the big mouth he would be playing against, and rather mischievously on my part, I asked him to show this fellow the stuff a Springbok frontranker is made of.
Jaap replied: "Ons sal maar sien, Dokkie." ("Let's wait and see, Doc.")
During the game I became increasingly sorry for that poor chap. He eventually took so much punishment that he changed over to the tighthead position, but Jaap followed him. More than once he was still on the ground after the scrum had broken up and the ball was in the hands of the wing.
I had asked him to look me up after the match but at the cocktail party afterwards he avoided me. Eventually I cornered him.
"I don't want to talk to you now", he said. "I opened my big mouth yesterday and I'm very sorry I did. What I went through today I brought upon myself. I spoke out of turn and I apologise. You are a much better side than the Wallabies."
That was Jaap Bekker. One of the strongest Springboks of all time. I'm glad I wasn't a prop who had to play against him.