Klondyke Raaff
Full names: John William Edmund
Date of birth: 10 Mar 1879
Place of birth: Robben Island
School: Kimberley Boys' High
Springbok no: 71
Springbok debut province: Griqualand West
Physical: 1.90m, 86.2kg
Date of death: 13 Jul 1949 (Age 70)
Test summary: Tests: 6 Tries: 1
First Test: 29 Aug 1903 Age 24 - Forward against Britain at Wanderers (Old Wanderers), Johannesburg
Last Test: 6 Aug 1910 Age 31 - Forward against Britain at Wanderers (Old Wanderers), Johannesburg
Test history:

Again I am obliged to quote from Billy Millar's writings on the test against Wales on the 1906/7 tour to the United Kingdom:

"Besides Marsberg there was another man on the field that day who became a legend overnight. That man was Klondyke Raaff who came along in a manner which beggars description."

It did not matter much to Raaff what he had to do - he did it like a champion. When he tackled the Welsh he put his whole powers into the job, and none who felt the grip of his powerful arms on that historic field will soon forget the sensation.

He sent them headlong to grass; he spun them round like so many teetotums. He caught them in their stride and helped them onward a yard or two, until they thought they were flying machines, whizzing round on the whiskers of the world.

Once, if half a ton of slate fell upon a Welshman in a quarry, they used to say the man was "slumped to death". Now they say "Oh, poor devil, he's shaken to pieces; he's Raaffed...." The men of Wales did not let him have a run once. They went at him gallantly enough time and again, but he was in a mood which makes men invincible.

When they charged him he filled his lungs with air and met the rush, and they bounced from the shock, as a he-goat bounces when he butts at a kopje. They brought him to earth now and again, but when this happened he was always up and off in a moment, whilst the men who tackled him limped as if they had been stopping trains."

Thus Billy Millar, on the way Klondyke Raaff tormented the Welshmen that day!