Mervyn Ellis
Full names: Mervyn Centlivres
Date of birth: 16 Oct 1892
Place of birth: Kokstad
Schools: Marist Brothers Linmeyer Rondebosch
Springbok no: 165
Springbok debut province: Transvaal
Physical: 1.80m, 86.2kg
Date of death: 24 Mar 1959 (Age 66)
Test summary: Tests: 6 Tries: 0
First Test: 27 Aug 1921 Age 28 - Flank against New Zealand at Eden Park, Auckland
Last Test: 20 Sep 1924 Age 31 - Flank against Britain at Newlands, Cape Town
Test history:

I'm not sure whether I ever met this famous Transvaler, but I heard such a lot about him from Mr Markotter that I have always admired him.

Mr Markotter said he was the perfect forward, a man who played during the time when the specialisation among forwards was only starting to take shape. Mervyn Ellis was one of the great players who could play in any position among the forwards: brilliant even on a bad day!