Uncle Dobbin
Full names: Frederick James
Date of birth: 10 Oct 1879
Place of birth: Bethulie
School: Kimberley Boys' High
Springbok no: 67
Springbok debut province: Griqualand West
Physical: 1.68m, 71.2kg
Date of death: 5 Feb 1950 (Age 70)
Test summary: Tests: 9 Tries: 1
First Test: 29 Aug 1903 Age 23 - Halfback against Britain at Wanderers (Old Wanderers), Johannesburg
Last Test: 14 Dec 1912 Age 33 - Halfback against Wales at Millenium Stadium (Cardiff Arms Park), Cardiff
Test history:

Dobbin's home in Kimberley was called "Rugby" and the lights in front of his house were made of leather, shaped like rugby balls-laces hanging down.

It is obvious therefore, that this giant of the past loved his game with a great passion.

Never having seen Dobbin play I am again obliged to fall back on Billy Millar's words and some verse written about Dobbin on the 1906/07 tour:

With pace and dash
Like lightning flash,
See him through tacklers weaving
His way - it lies
To brilliant tries,
The luckless loons deceiving.

And in defence
He is immense
A veritable "bobby,"
Who takes in charge
Both small and large:
Defending is his hobby.

Oh, five-feet six
Of guile and tricks!
Eleven-stone-three most gritty.
We've few like you to work the pack,
Or start a movement of attack,
In Britain - more's the pity!

As hard as nails,
He seldom fails
To cause opponents trouble;
He can't resist
To turn and twist,
And "jump Jim Crow" and double.