Ricardo Loubscher
Full names: Ricardo Ian Peter
Date of birth: 11 Jun 1974
Place of birth: Colesberg
School: Middelburg (Cape)
Springbok no: 697
Springbok debut province: Sharks
Physical: 1.80m, 86.0kg
Current age: 50
Test summary: Tests: 4 Tries: 0
First Test: 8 Jun 2002 Age 27 - Full Back against Wales at Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein
Last Test: 24 Oct 2003 Age 29 - Full Back against Georgia at Sydney Football Stadium (Aussie stadium), Sydney
Test history:
08 Jun 2002 27Full Back Wales Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein Win: 34-19  Sharks
07 Jun 2003 28Full Back Scotland Kingspark, Durban Win: 29-25  Sharks
11 Oct 2003 29Reserve Uruguay Subiaco Oval, Perth Win: 72-6  Sharks
24 Oct 2003 29Full Back Georgia Sydney Football Stadium (Aussie stadium), Sydney Win: 46-19  Sharks