Archie Marsberg
Full names: Peter Archibald
Date of birth: 1 Oct 1885
Place of birth: Fort Beaufort
School: Unknown
Springbok no: 111
Springbok debut province: Griqualand West
Date of death: 23 Oct 1962 (Age 77)
Test summary: Tests: 1 Tries: 0
Only test: 6 Aug 1910 Age 24 - Full Back against Britain at Wanderers (Old Wanderers), Johannesburg
Test history:
06 Aug 1910 24Full Back Britain Wanderers (Old Wanderers), Johannesburg Win: 14-10  Griquas

Marsburglaan: G.J. van Eck.

MARSBERG. Die twee rugbybroers, Arthur F. W. en Peter Archibald was albei uit Kimberley se wêreld afkomstig. Arthur . . . "that greathearted full-back and wing" . . . was chosen for the 1906 Springbok tour of Britain while his brother P. A. Marsberg was later capped for S.A. against Tom Smyth's team in 1910.

Arthur Marsburg was not in his (Mark's) opinion, quite in the same class as the others, but a deadly, absolutely fearless tackler.

Arthur is op 24 September 1883 te Sterkstroom gebore en is op 16 Januarie 1942 in die West End Cemetery, Kimberley, begrawe. Hy was 'n mynbeampte.

Peter Archibald is op 1 Oktober 1885 te Fort Beaufort gebore alwaar hy ook skool gegaan het. Hy was elektrisiën van beroep.

(1) PRICE, Maxwell: Springboks in the Lion's Den.
(2) PARKER, A. C.: Giants of South African Rughy.
(3) Rugby in Suid-Afrika uitgegee deur Johnston en Neville ten behoewe van die S.A. Rugbyraad.
L.W. In Bronne (1) en (3) word die betrokkenes se van aangegee as Marsberg. Die straatnaam heet Marsburglaan.

- Uit Pretoriana: Rugby Springbokke na wie straatname in Danville, Pretoria, vernoem is