Pinkie Daneel
Full names: Hendrik Johannes
Date of birth: 4 May 1882
Place of birth: Heidelberg (CP)
Schools: Riversdal Paul Roos Gymnasium
Springbok no: 102
Springbok debut province: Western Province
Physical: 1.83m, 83.5kg
Date of death: 7 Jan 1947 (Age 64)
Test summary: Tests: 4 Tries: 0
First Test: 17 Nov 1906 Age 24 - Forward against Scotland at Hampden Park, Glasgow
Last Test: 8 Dec 1906 Age 24 - Forward against England at Crystal Palace, London
Test history:
17 Nov 1906 24Forward Scotland Hampden Park, Glasgow Lose: 0-6  WP
24 Nov 1906 24Forward Ireland Ravenhill Grounds, Belfast Win: 15-12  WP
01 Dec 1906 24Forward Wales St. Helens, Swansea Win: 11-0  WP
08 Dec 1906 24Forward England Crystal Palace, London Draw: 3-3  WP

HENRY JOHN DANEEL (Victoria College, Stellenbosch and Western Province) was born at Heidelberg , South- Western Districts, in 1881. He is just 6 feet in height, and weighs, 13 stone 2 pounds. He is one of those who began to play against men when young, for he was not fifteen when he played for Riversdale, in the South- Western Districts. That playing did not in any way affect his spirit, and when he went up to Victoria College in 1899 he at once- gained his place in the second string. In 1901 he was translated into the first team, and from that day he has never looked behind him. He has always been a sturdy, genuine grafter, following up smartly, and using his feet to advantage. In 1903 he gained his place in the country team against the English team, and when he came up to Johannesburg' with the Stellenbosch team in 1904 he was, next to Paul Roos, the best man in that pack. He' played a remarkably hard plucky game on the hard ground, with which he made acquaintance for the first time. I noticed then that although he was always one of the first to go into the scrum, he was always on the ball, and nearly always first at the line out, where he was particularly smart. He represented the Western Province at East London in 1904, where he played a wonderfully sound game. In the recent tournament he still further distinguished himself, and, with Van den Heever, was one of the best scrummers in the pack; while in the loose .and open his great control of the ball gave him a decided advantage. In the tour just concluded he has played a great game, considerably enhancing his reputation.