Faffa Knoetze
Full names: Francois
Date of birth: 18 Jan 1963
Place of birth: Cape Town
School: Tygerberg
Springbok no: 553
Springbok debut province: Western Province
Physical: 1.68m, 77.0kg
Current age: 61
Test summary: Tests: 2 Tries: 1
First Test: 26 Aug 1989 Age 26 - Outside Centre against World Invitation at Newlands, Cape Town
Last Test: 2 Sep 1989 Age 26 - Outside Centre against World Invitation at Ellispark, Johannesburg
Test history:
26 Aug 1989 26Outside Centre World Invitation Newlands, Cape Town Win: 20-191 try WP
02 Sep 1989 26Outside Centre World Invitation Ellispark, Johannesburg Win: 22-16  WP