Stevie Joubert
Full names: Stephanus Johannes
Date of birth: 8 Apr 1887
Place of birth: Uniondale
School: Paarl Gimnasium
Springbok no: 110
Springbok debut province: Western Province
Physical: 1.68m, 65.3kg
Date of death: 27 Mar 1939 (Age 51)
Test summary: Tests: 3 Tries: 1
First Test: 24 Nov 1906 Age 19 - Full Back against Ireland at Ravenhill Grounds, Belfast
Last Test: 8 Dec 1906 Age 19 - Full Back against England at Crystal Palace, London
Test history:
24 Nov 1906 19Full Back Ireland Ravenhill Grounds, Belfast Win: 15-121 penalty WP
01 Dec 1906 19Full Back Wales St. Helens, Swansea Win: 11-01 try, 1 conversion WP
08 Dec 1906 19Full Back England Crystal Palace, London Draw: 3-3  WP


STEPHEN JOUBERT ( Victoria College , Stellenbosch, and Western Province ), usually known as ” Steve", was born at Uniondale , South- Western Districts, in 1887, and is only just nineteen years of age. He is small, but well built, standing just under 5 feet 6 inches, and tipping the beam at 10 stone 6 pounds. His early experience of football was gained at the Paarl Gymnasium, where he played in the Shield team under the captaincy of "Boy" de Villiers. He played for the team from 1899 to 1902, and in the last year was tried at full back for Paarl Second team. In 1903 he went up to Victoria College , Stellenbosch, and joined his brother, Thielman. The latter introduced him to the notice of the Stellenbosch skipper, Markotter, and in 1904 he operated at full back for the College team in the Anderson Cup. In the same year he accompanied the Stellenbosch team on their tour in the Transvaal , and astonished everyone in the match against the Diggers by the soundness of his play and his wonderful touch kicking. The following year found him playing centre for the College team, and in that year, as well as in 1906, his play had a great deal to do with Victoria College taking the cup. When he returned in 1904 to Stellenbosch, he played regularly for that team, and assisted the club in winning the Grand Challenge Cup of the Western Province Rugby Union. During 1905 and 1906 young Joubert filled every position' outside the scrum, and was equally good in each position. If he had not been full back, he would have gained his place in the Western Province team as three-quarter, or even as half- back. In his play in the last tournament he gave a wonderful exposition of full back clay, and, although he was not frequently called upon to do much tackling, his fielding was sure and brilliant, whilst his touch kicking and resource were wonderful. He was chosen as full back for South Africa , but for reasons partly connected with his scholastic career, and partly on account of his extreme youth, he did not go at first, but went after the accident to Burmeister. At Home, however, his slight physique handicapped him in his full back play, particularly in tackling big men, but his resource and wonderful touch kicking, besides his place kicking, were always in evidence. As wing three-quarter, he proved himself a very finished player, and played in this position in the Internationals against England and Wales .