Allan Beswick
Full names: Allan Menzies
Date of birth: 30 Jun 1870
Place of birth: Queenstown
Schools: SACS Queens College
Springbok no: 49
Springbok debut province: Border
Date of death: 6 Sep 1908 (Age 38)
Test summary: Tests: 3 Tries: 0
First Test: 22 Aug 1896 Age 26 - Forward against Britain at Wanderers (Old Wanderers), Johannesburg
Last Test: 5 Sep 1896 Age 26 - Forward against Britain at Newlands, Cape Town
Test history:
22 Aug 1896 26Forward Britain Wanderers (Old Wanderers), Johannesburg Lose: 8-17  Border
29 Aug 1896 26Forward Britain Kimberley Athletic Club Ground, Kimberley Lose: 3-9  Border
05 Sep 1896 26Forward Britain Newlands, Cape Town Win: 5-0  Border