William Neill
Full names: William Alan
Date of birth: 30 Dec 1882
Place of birth: Glasgow, Scotland
School: Dale College
Springbok no: 101
Springbok debut province: Bulldogs
Physical: 1.79m, 79.0kg
Date of death: 3 Feb 1947 (Age 64)
Test summary: No Tests

WILLIAM ALLAN NEILL (Pirates, Kingwilliamstown and Border) is the only member of the team who was not born in South Africa. He was born in Glasgow in 1883, but came out to South Africa when he was barely three years of age. He is a fine stamp of a forward, standing 5 feet 9 inches in height, and weighing 12 stone 7 pounds. He is a splendid scrummager, a sturdy grafter who works hard from start to finish. He, too, comes through the scrum, and follows up indefatigably and is clever with his feet. There are some who prefer him to Burger, but I, who have seen both play, do not consider him nearly as good, for he has neither his individuality nor his wonderful ability for making an opening; At the same time, he is a capital, hard player. He learned all his football in Kingwilliamstown, joining the Pirates there in 1901. He played for the second that season, but was promoted to the first the following season, and in 1903 was made vice-captain of the team. In that year he was selected to play for Kingwilliamstown and District against the English team. The following year saw him in the Border team, where his sturdy genuine play made him respected by all who played against him. In 1905 and 1906 he improved considerably, and in the tournament in Johannesburg in 1906 played a splendid game for the Border, and was selected as one of the South African team. He did not play very often during the tour, but whenever he did his hard unostentatious play gained for him the commendation of the critics.