Bert Reid
Full names: Hubert Gordon
Date of birth: 9 Dec 1882
Place of birth: Swellendam
School: Sea Point, Cape Town
Springbok no: 107
Springbok debut province: Lions
Physical: 1.88m, 83.0kg
Date of death: 25 May 1944 (Age 61)
Test summary: No Tests

HUBERT G. REID (Harlequins, Pretoria and Transvaal) was born in Worcester in 1883. He stands 6 feet 2” inches in height, and weighs 14 stone. He comes of a football family, his elder brother, A. Reid, being one of the most prominent members of the Hamiltons, Cape Town, where he was at one time considered one of the finest forwards in the pack. He was educated at Sea Point School, and played for Hamilton's thirds in 1898. He did not play any football to speak of again till 1902, when, being in Pretoria, he assisted in forming the Civil Service Football Club there, a club which subsequently became known as the Harlequins. A stalwart, powerful young man, he soon made his name. He played for Pretoria and District against the English team in 1903. In 1904 he was selected to play for the Transvaal in the Currie Cup' at East London. He played in several of the matches there, but was nothing like the effective scrummager and all-round player that his club mate, Townsend, was. He was however, one of the best men at the line out, fast at following up, and a most determined tackler. From 1904 to 1906 he improved his play, and increasing in weight and strength was able to do better work in the scrums. In 1906, in the Currie Cup Tournament, after playing in almost every match with great credit for the Transvaal, he was selected to play for South Africa . He is very fast, dribbles well, and possesses a good temper, which fact has always served him well, for men always throw him hard, and as he is tall he falls heavily. During the present tour he has done some very fine work, and, in the earlier matches, was one of the best forwards in the team.