Roger Sherriff
Full names: Alfred Roger
Date of birth: 17 Mar 1913
Place of birth: Durban
School: Glenwood
Springbok no: 257
Springbok debut province: Northern Transvaal
Date of death: 3 Oct 1950 (Age 37)
Test summary: Tests: 3 Tries: 0
First Test: 6 Aug 1938 Age 25 - Lock against Britain at Ellispark, Johannesburg
Last Test: 10 Sep 1938 Age 25 - Lock against Britain at Newlands, Cape Town
Test history:
06 Aug 1938 25Lock Britain Ellispark, Johannesburg Win: 26-12  N-Tvl
03 Sep 1938 25Lock Britain Crusaders (St George's Park), Port Elizabeth Win: 19-3  N-Tvl
10 Sep 1938 25Lock Britain Newlands, Cape Town Lose: 16-21  N-Tvl

Roger Sheriff: Doc Craven

Roger was a very loyal person. We played together on the 1937 tour and what a pity it was that he was badly injured and couldn't play for a large part of that tour. If we'd had Sherriff in most of the matches we would have done better than we did - hard as it may seem to believe.

Fortunately he recovered and was able to take his place in all three tests against the 1938 Lions and to prove just how good he really was.

A solid, honest scrummager. Yes, there is such a thing as honesty in the scrum as well. Some players hide behind the others and don't give their all. Others often hid behind Roger Sherriff but he was never one to shirk his duty.