Willie McEwan
Full names: William MacLean Clark
Date of birth: 24 Oct 1875
Place of birth: Edinburgh, Scotland
School: Edinburgh Academy
Springbok no: 69
Springbok debut province: Transvaal
Date of death: 4 Apr 1934 (Age 58)
Test summary: Tests: 2 Tries: 0
First Test: 29 Aug 1903 Age 27 - Forward against Britain at Wanderers (Old Wanderers), Johannesburg
Last Test: 12 Sep 1903 Age 27 - Forward against Britain at Newlands, Cape Town
Test history:
29 Aug 1903 27Forward Britain Wanderers (Old Wanderers), Johannesburg Draw: 10-10  Tvl
12 Sep 1903 27Forward Britain Newlands, Cape Town Win: 8-0  Tvl

Willie McEwan: Doc Craven

He was a Scotsman who stayed on in South Africa after the Boer war, and I believe that he was a member of the occupational forces.

Something of which I am rather proud and which speaks volumes for the game of rugby as a binding factor, is the fact that here was someone now not only enjoying playing rugby with his former foes, but being selected to play for South Africa.

Today, more than ever, the fact that people like McEwan, Frew, and many others who had fought against the Transvaal and Free State Republics stayed on, played rugby and represented South Africa at international level, sustains my belief that the spirit of rugby is greater than the enmity which exists between men and countries.

Far greater, as long as it is given a chance, and is not interfered with by selfseeking politicians and activists of all colours and creeds.