Jack Immelman
Full names: Jacobus Hendrik
Date of birth: 2 Aug 1888
Place of birth: Victoria West
Schools: Franschhoek SACS
Springbok no: 139
Springbok debut province: Western Province
Physical: 1.77m, 66.2kg
Date of death: 21 Jul 1960 (Age 71)
Test summary: Tests: 1 Tries: 0
Only test: 11 Jan 1913 Age 24 - Halfback against France at Le Bouscat, Bordeaux
Test history:
11 Jan 1913 24Halfback France Le Bouscat, Bordeaux Win: 38-5  WP

Immelman straat: G.J. van Eck.

IMMELMAN,. Jacobus Hendrik (Jack), is in Victoria-Wes gebore, het aan S.A.C.S. onderrig ontvang en later as mynbeampte gewerk.

Hy het op die oorsese Springboktoer in 1912-13 in Brittanje as W.P.-speler die Springbokkleure gedra. Hy was toe 24 jaar oud.

CRAVEN, Danie: (i) Springboks Down the Years.
(ii) Springbok-annale (Rugby) 1889-1964

- Uit Pretoriana: Rugby Springbokke na wie straatname in Danville, Pretoria, vernoem is