Jack Hirsch
Full names: John Gauntlett
Date of birth: 20 Feb 1883
Place of birth: Port Elizabeth
Schools: Shrewsbury (England) Grey High School
Springbok no: 96
Springbok debut province: Eastern Province
Physical: 1.80m, 5.9kg
Date of death: 26 Feb 1958 (Age 75)
Test summary: Tests: 2 Tries: 0
First Test: 24 Nov 1906 Age 23 - Halfback against Ireland at Ravenhill Grounds, Belfast
Last Test: 6 Aug 1910 Age 27 - Outside Centre against Britain at Wanderers (Old Wanderers), Johannesburg
Test history:
24 Nov 1906 23Halfback Ireland Ravenhill Grounds, Belfast Win: 15-12  EP
06 Aug 1910 27Outside Centre Britain Wanderers (Old Wanderers), Johannesburg Win: 14-10  EP

JOHN G. HIRSCH (Crusaders, Port Elizabeth , Eastern Province and Clare College , Cambridge ) is a South African born and bred. He was born at Port Elizabeth in 1883, and is just over twenty-three years of age. He stands 5 feet 11 inches in height, and scales just over 13 stone. He is very well proportioned, and does not look his weight, but those who try to tackle him soon find out that he is a mass of muscle. He is fast, moving with a long loping stride, and it is only when he has passed an opponent that the latter fully realises how fast he is. He gets away very smartly, and possesses a natural deceptive swerve. He is a strong kick, fields smartly, and tackles surely. He was educated at the Grey Institute, Port Elizabeth, but left there in 1899, when he went to England, to Shrewsbury School, where soccer was the code. He played that game there, but found cricket more to his liking, and when he went to Clare College, Cambridge, in 1902, it was his cricket abilities which attracted the attention of the authorities rather than his football; although he was a sterling three-quarter, very powerful, on the attack, had it not been for his sudden return to South Africa in 1905, he might have gained his cricket “blue." On his return to Port Elizabeth he joined the Crusaders, and, under the captaincy of that experienced player, Heddon developed all his latent qualities! And was a tower of strength to his club on the defence as well as on the attack; and his club were successful in carrying off the Eastern Province Cup last season. In the tournament held in Johannesburg he was by far the best man in the third line for the Eastern Province, his running and fine kicking serving that Union in good stead right through.