Johan de Bruyn
Full names: Johan
Date of birth: 12 Oct 1948
Place of birth: Reivilo
Schools: Wolmaransstad Reivilo
Springbok no: 475
Springbok debut province: Orange Free State
Physical: 1.93m, 114.0kg
Current age: 75
Test summary: Tests: 1 Tries: 0
Only test: 13 Jul 1974 Age 25 - Lock against Britain at Boet Erasmus, Port Elizabeth
Tours France 1974
Test history:
13 Jul 1974 25Lock Britain Boet Erasmus, Port Elizabeth Lose: 9-26  OFS

De Bruyn was a Free State Rugby player. He is most famous for loosing his glass eye when Lions lock Gordon Brown from Scotland landed a haymaker on him after they had a bit of a disagreement in the 1974 tour of South Africa. Apparently all 30 players dropped to their knees in a frantic search for the eye. Some bloke found it with a cry of "Eureka", gave it back to De Bruyn who promptly shoved it back into the socket and continued playing.