Ben-Piet van Zyl
Full names: Barend Pieter
Date of birth: 1 Aug 1935
Place of birth: Gwelo, Zimbabwe
School: Trompsburg
Springbok no: 378
Springbok debut province: Western Province
Date of death: 10 Mar 1973 (Age 37)
Test summary: Tests: 1 Tries: 2
Only test: 13 May 1961 Age 25 - Right Wing against Ireland at Newlands, Cape Town
Test history:
13 May 1961 25Right Wing Ireland Newlands, Cape Town Win: 24-82 tries WP

In contrast to the case of Johns was the story of Ben-Piet van Zyl. He was flown to join the Team immediately Hennie van Zyl had returned home or the funeral of his father. A twenty-five-year-old theological student from the Western Province, van Zyl was selected soon after he arrived to play against Leinster and the Barbarians and appeared in several matches in France before the Tour ended. He appeared in the memorable Barbarians match because it was decided to play Engelbrecht in the centre and van Zyl took over the rightwing position. He was a useful wing-threequarter and, in the short time available to watch him in action, he looked of good provincial standard, if not quite in the class of the three top wings on tour. His visit was short and sweet, but he must have enjoyed it, as he had many more games than the unfortunate Johns.