Peter Cronjé
Full names: Peter Arnold
Date of birth: 21 Sep 1948
Place of birth: Johannesburg
Schools: Parktown, Johannesburg Wynberg Boys High
Springbok no: 447
Springbok debut province: Transvaal
Physical: 1.82m, 86.2kg
Date of death: 4 Sep 2020 (Age 71)
Test summary: Tests: 7 Tries: 3
First Test: 12 Jun 1971 Age 22 - Outside Centre against France at Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein
Last Test: 27 Jul 1974 Age 25 - Outside Centre against Britain at Ellispark, Johannesburg
Test history:
12 Jun 1971 22Outside Centre France Free State Stadium, Bloemfontein Win: 22-9  Tvl
19 Jun 1971 22Outside Centre France Kingspark, Durban Draw: 8-81 try Tvl
17 Jul 1971 22Outside Centre Australia Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney Win: 19-11  Tvl
31 Jul 1971 22Outside Centre Australia Brisbane Exhibition Ground, Brisbane Win: 14-6  Tvl
07 Aug 1971 22Outside Centre Australia Sydney Cricket Ground, Sydney Win: 18-61 try Tvl
13 Jul 1974 25Outside Centre Britain Boet Erasmus, Port Elizabeth Lose: 9-26  Tvl
27 Jul 1974 25Outside Centre Britain Ellispark, Johannesburg Draw: 13-131 try Tvl

“Right, I’ll see you tomorrow morning at eight. I’ll be waiting in a golden Mercedes Benz,” It is somewhere in 1996 and we drive up the ramp at the pavilion shopping centre, searching. It is not difficult to spot the Benz at this hour of the morning. Most Durban shoppers are still having their bacon and eggs.

Just as well he told us to look out for Benz. Otherwise I would have walked right past the driver. Peter Cronjé, the mercurial Springbok centre of the 70s. Cronjé has discarded his trademark sideburns of the 70s, the years have left a mature mark on the face we Transvalers haven’t seen around Ellis Park for about 20 years.

I would have walked right past him, if it wasn’t for that Benz. We drive throught some of the Thousand Hills, past Maritzburg on our way to Michaelhouse, probably then the poshest private school in the country.

Thirteen year old David is to play a game which made his father a household game amongst rugby loving South Africans. As we weave through the mountains the memories of a young Cronjé flash past me, just as he swerved past opponents. The strong, tall figure of Cronjé steps of his left foot, splits the defence with the precision of a surgeon, and links up with his wingers, either Syd Nomis or Gert Muller.

Then a few minutes later he accelerates through the outside gap, races to the tryline and scores with ease, a brilliant solo effort. We have seen it so many times. It is imprinted on one’s mind. Sadly the flair of such a natural athlete has been misding from the game for years now.

It is a chilly morning at Michaelhouse. We take a seat on a bench overlooking at least six rugby fields. “We don’t see a centre take on his man and beat him on the outside any more,” says Cronjé, a past master of this maneuver.”

“The players of today get drilled into a definite pattern and their natural abilities don’t develop.” “The backline play has recently been very dissapointing. Since Danie’s (Gerber) there has been a definite decline in this department.”

“I would never have played the way today’s players do. If it was asked of me to set up second phase posession time and time again, I would rather have quit the game,” says Peter who retired at a relative young age of 28 after four serious shoulder ops.

Memories are indeed all Cronjé has of the game. The former Parktown Boys pupil was only 20 years old when he was first selected to represent Transvaal and a year older when he played for the Boks.

*Cronjé, who passed away last year, would have celebrated his bithday today.